
Wie man mit Call Graph automatisch Projektgrafiken erstellt

Felix Plagge Blog, Data Science

Die Codebase deines Data Science-Projekts wächst und wächst, und du drohst den Überblick zu verlieren? Dann kann dieses Tool vielleicht Abhilfe schaffen! Felix Plagge hat ein Paket geschrieben, das einen Call Graph für ein beliebiges Python-Skript erstellt. In diesem Artikel erklärt er zunächst, wozu Projektgrafiken nützlich sind und erklärt anschließend die Installation und Verwendung seines Pakets namens project_graph.

Airflow for Data Scientists

Manuel Tilgner Blog, Data Science

As data scientists, getting our hands on the data we need is often the most challenging part of a project. In practice, we tend to make life hard on ourselves because we don’t use the best tools for the job. Well no longer! Read on to learn how can you can harness Airflow to orchestrate your own ETL processes like a pro!


How To Build A Dashboard In Python – Plotly Dash Step-by-Step Tutorial

Alexander Blaufuss Blog, Data Science

This blog is a hands-on experience in Dash, presenting core components, how to display figures with callbacks, supplying you with a working web application to play with, and the resources to build your own. Dash is a powerful tool for Python developers. Developed by the team behind Plotly, Dash is an open-source framework built on top of Flask, Plotly.js, and React.js.


What’s cooking at STATWORX?

Jonas Braun Blog, Data Science

Besides working hard to provide our clients with cutting-edge Machine Learning solutions, we are also big fans of all things culinary here at STATWORX. But can we apply some of those algorithms to make us better cooks? This blog article explores the unlikely union of Data Science and baking!