tensorRT Inference Server

Building a scaleable Deep Learning Serving Environment for Keras models using NVIDIA TensorRT Server and Google Cloud

Sebastian Heinz Blog, Data Science

In a recent project at STATWORX, I’ve developed a large scale deep learning application for image classification using Keras and Tensorflow. After developing the model, we needed to deploy it in a quite complex pipeline of data acquisition and preparation routines in a cloud environment. We decided to deploy the model on a prediction server that exposes the model through …

workshop title

Open Workshop: Deep Learning in R and Keras, November 14th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog, Data Science

STATWORX welcomes you to our open workshop “Deep Learning in R and Keras” ! The workshop is designed for advanced R-users who are fluent in importing, processing and manipulating data. The workshop will be held in german at our office in Frankfurt. You will learn how to construct, estimate and evaluate both basic and more complex neural networks in R …

george michael title

Forecasting Last Christmas Search Volume on Google Trends using Deep Learning

Sebastian Heinz Blog, Data Science

Last Christmas is one of the most popular Christmas tunes that were, are and will be out there. The song is written by the brilliant musician George Michael and was released in 1984, when at that time, Epic Records quickly wanted to release a Christmas tune. According to Wikipedia, there are rumours going around that George Michael just changed the …