tensorRT Inference Server

Building a scaleable Deep Learning Serving Environment for Keras models using NVIDIA TensorRT Server and Google Cloud

Sebastian Heinz Blog, Data Science

In a recent project at STATWORX, I’ve developed a large scale deep learning application for image classification using Keras and Tensorflow. After developing the model, we needed to deploy it in a quite complex pipeline of data acquisition and preparation routines in a cloud environment. We decided to deploy the model on a prediction server that exposes the model through …

A performance benchmark of Google AutoML Vision using Fashion-MNIST

Sebastian Heinz Blog, Data Science

Google AutoML Vision is a state-of-the-art cloud service from Google that is able to build deep learning models for image recognition completely fully automated and from scratch. In this post, Google AutoML Vision is used to build an image classification model on the Zalando Fashion-MNIST dataset, a recent variant of the classical MNIST dataset, which is considered to be more …