Archive Existing RDS Files

Lukas Feick Blog, Data Science

In this blog post, our colleague Lukas gives you a high-level introduction to RDS files (vs. RData files) and serialization. The function checks whether there is already an RDS with the same name in the path, renames it if required, and provides it with a timestamp and a reference ARCHIVED_ON_xx. The function then saves the new RDS under the specified name.

Airflow for Data Scientists

Manuel Tilgner Blog, Data Science

As data scientists, getting our hands on the data we need is often the most challenging part of a project. In practice, we tend to make life hard on ourselves because we don’t use the best tools for the job. Well no longer! Read on to learn how can you can harness Airflow to orchestrate your own ETL processes like a pro!

How To Build A Dashboard In Python – Plotly Dash Step-by-Step Tutorial

Alexander Blaufuss Blog, Data Science

This blog is a hands-on experience in Dash, presenting core components, how to display figures with callbacks, supplying you with a working web application to play with, and the resources to build your own. Dash is a powerful tool for Python developers. Developed by the team behind Plotly, Dash is an open-source framework built on top of Flask, Plotly.js, and React.js.