robot with a heart

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Statistics Can Be Romantic Too!

Lea Waniek Blog, Data Science, Statistik

It’s Valentine’s day, making this the most romantic time of the year. But actually, already 2018 was a year full of love here at STATWORX: many of my STATWORX colleagues got engaged. And so we began to wonder – some fearful, some hopeful – who will be next? Therefore, today we’re going to tackle this question in the only true way: with data science!

data visualisation

Open Workshop: Data Visualization in R and ggplot2, November 8th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog, Data Science, Statistik

The first time we at STATWORX are opening our doors for anyone who wants to learn more about data. Our “Data Visualization in R and ggplot2” workshop is designed for R-beginners and provides the perfect mixture between theory and practice. The workshop will be held in german at our office in Frankfurt. Participants achieve first insights into the concepts of …

themes title

Custom themes in ggplot2

Lea Waniek Blog, Data Science, Statistik

In the last post of this series of the STATWORX Blog, we explored ggplot2's themes, which control the display of all non-data components of a plot. Ggplot comes with several inbuilt themes that can be easily applied to any plot. However, one can tweak these out-of-the-box styles using the theme() function. We did this last time. Furthermore, one also can …