Titel statworx DHBW use case workshop 01

STATWORX meets DHBW – Data Science Real-World Use Cases

Paul Mora Blog, Data Science

Anfang Juni haben unser COO Fabian Müller und Data Science Consultant Paul Mora eine Vorlesung im Rahmen des Wirtschaftsingenieur-Studienganges der DHBW gehalten. Der Fokus der Vorlesung war es, den Studierenden bewusst zu machen welchen Aspekten es zu beachten gilt bei der Planung und Evaluierung eines Data Science Projektes. Neben den finanziellen Risiken wurde hierbei auch explizit auf die ethischen Fragen der Nutzung von Künstlicher Intelligenz eingegangen.


STATWORX – R for Data Science Workshop

Jan Fischer Blog, Data Science

Beim Erarbeiten neuer Skills und Tools ist der Einstieg nicht immer einfach. In der STATWORX Academy bieten wir daher eine Fülle an Schulungsformaten an, in denen wir Dir den Einsteig in den Bereich Data Science erleichtern wollen. Unser Kollege Jan erzählt in diesem Blogartikel vom „R for Data Science“ Workshop, den er in unserem Frankfurter Office geleitet hat. Erfahre in diesem Artikel, an wen sich der Kurs richtet und welche Inhalte geboten werden.


Data Science lernen im STATWORX Bootcamp

Martin Albers Blog

Neben unseren Beratungsaufgaben haben wir von STATWORX einen stetig wachsenden Academy Bereich. Dieser Bereich bietet zu verschiedenen Themengebieten und Programmiersprachen Schulungen. Dies umfasst Kurse in Python oder R und auch zu speziellen Frameworks wie zum Beispiel Tensorflow. Ein Blick auf unser Angebot lohnt sich! Überblick der Bootcamp Themen Derzeit findet bei uns im Frankfurter Office das Data Science Bootcamp statt. …

6th and 7th May: Open Workshop Python

Open Workshop: Programming with Phyton, May 6th and 7th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog, Blog

We at STATWORX are opening our doors for anyone who wants to learn more about data. Our open workshop is designed for beginners in analysing with Python and provides the perfect mixture between theory and practice. Participants achieve first insights into data science and programming with Python. The workshop will be held in German at our office in Frankfurt. There …

8th-9th May: Open Workshop with R in Frankfurt

Open Workshop: Programming with R, May 8th and 9th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog

We at STATWORX are opening our doors for anyone who wants to learn more about data. Our open workshop is designed for R-beginners and provides the perfect mixture between theory and practice. Participants achieve first insights into data science and programming with R. The workshop will be held in German at our office in Frankfurt. There is a limit of …

STATWORX on Tour: Year-End Event in Belgium


After a year both challenging and rewarding, STATWORX has taken the opportunity of the calm before the Year-End to retreat from the office for a few days. A remote area in the Belgian countryside was chosen as the location for the weekend getaway, where the team would spend a couple of days reflecting on the events of the past year, …

workshop title

Open Workshop: Deep Learning in R and Keras, November 14th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog, Data Science

STATWORX welcomes you to our open workshop “Deep Learning in R and Keras” ! The workshop is designed for advanced R-users who are fluent in importing, processing and manipulating data. The workshop will be held in german at our office in Frankfurt. You will learn how to construct, estimate and evaluate both basic and more complex neural networks in R …

data visualisation

Open Workshop: Data Visualization in R and ggplot2, November 8th in Frankfurt

Vivian Jeenel Blog, Data Science, Statistik

The first time we at STATWORX are opening our doors for anyone who wants to learn more about data. Our “Data Visualization in R and ggplot2” workshop is designed for R-beginners and provides the perfect mixture between theory and practice. The workshop will be held in german at our office in Frankfurt. Participants achieve first insights into the concepts of …